

Docker is a containerization platform that allows developers to package applications into containers. These containers can then be easily deployed and run on any infrastructure, providing a consistent runtime environment.

Use it when :

  • - You want to simplify application deployment by packaging all the dependencies into a container image.
  • - You want to reduce conflicts between different versions of dependencies and make it easier to manage application upgrades.
  • - You want to improve the portability of your applications by packaging them into containers that can run on any infrastructure.
  • - You want to improve the scalability of your applications by running multiple instances of the same container image across different hosts.
  • - You want to speed up development and testing by creating lightweight containers that can be spun up quickly.
  • - You want to improve the security of your applications by isolating them in their own container environments.

Consider :

  • - Docker may introduce additional overhead, as each container needs to include its own operating system and dependencies.
  • - Running many containers may require additional resources, such as CPU and memory.
  • - You may need to manage network and storage resources carefully, as these can be shared among containers.
  • - Security risks may arise if containers are not properly configured or managed.
  • - Docker may require additional tooling to manage container orchestration and scaling.